Welcome to Low Carb Pinay!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Moving the Blog and Birthday!

Hello! I'm moving this blog over to wordpress. I like the look of the blogs over there.
Anyway, it is currently under construction but I'm going away for a birthday week celebration so I won't be able to work on it for awhile.

I am turning 30 on Friday and Dh and I have planned a trip together. To get away from it all. I am going to be eating off-plan but I hope getting back to eating LC will be easier this time around. so far I have lost 25 lbs since I started, averaging a loss of 1 lb/week since I started. It's not so bad. I'm also REALLY gonna start being active. REALLY.

Anyway, thanks so much for reading and I hope to see you on my new blog!

The New Low Carb Pinay blog!

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